Friday, 3 May 2019

Emerging You

An  usual happy life
A morning bright n blue
Have you ever met your self
Emerging across you.

In among the worldly conversations
That raise your spirits and hue
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

In mirror that you see in modest admiration
A reflection you thought you knew
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

When you lay watching the stars
Matching imagination that your fingers drew
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

In the arms that you hide unmistakably warm
A sense of one that grew
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

The rains of emotions that quenches soul
At night when the humdrum had bid adieu
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

In the besotting silence of a love so deep
Where you swam to rinse and bathe anew
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.

As in the eyes of a complete love
Where the world in you he view
Have you ever met yourself
Emerging across you.


  1. Wow! U always hit the ball out of the park with your verses, but this is on another level, "the rains of emotions that quenches soul," makes one realize as they read, how aptly you verbalize emotions we all sense but can never describe in words. Gosh!!!This particular line is haunting.....

  2. Deeply admired after emerging across your writings...


  3. Liked the last lines much ... all good too desr

  4. You used all the words now i have no words to comment.
    Just wao

  5. Thank u so much for your wonderful appreciations. !!!! ❤️

  6. Loved it.... Superb writing skills , kudos to u

  7. I'm accustomed to sleep and dream to imagine the things that you imagine when awake. And when I did read this particular piece , it is as if the dreams have grown wings to fly out of my head. Thank you for the rich numbing experience of pleasure, through your words. You are Beautiful !

  8. Wow....thank you for your tremendous encouragement.

  9. World is like a drop of dew
    Looking towards a bright star like you
    Will see one day in sky
    the brightest star will be you..

  10. Have you ever met yourself??? These words have actually rekindled a spark which existed in me.... Have you ever met yourself? Your creativity has a punch equal to the best whisky/ scotch and rum all combined inthis world.... Brava

  11. Thank u so much for your encouragement.....yes I met my reflection recently or at least I thought so....

  12. ভাবনার রং এ ডানা মেলে পদ্য পাখি উড়ে চলে
    উড়ুক মেলে মুক্ত ডানা
    ছুঁয়ে নিক মনের আকাশ খানা
    এই কামনা দিলাম তোমায়
    শুভেচ্ছা আর ভালোবাসায়।।
    অনিন্দ্য বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়

  13. Thank u so much Sir. Apni shotti onoboddo!

  14. Wow , this one is like on a whole new level of dream train , loved it

  15. The rains of emotions.......... ............... Emerging across you....
    Truly marvelous..... I am just spellbound.

  16. Simply jhakkas

  17. Hahahaha.....thanks a lot!😘😘😘😘

  18. This was worth reading..i actually lack the words to describe how good this is.. Few minutes of my life spent wisely.... Great job ��....

  19. You are too good.. This gives a real positive vibe..
